The Heart of a Missionary-


Posted in 2x1=2,BONUS by misspicture on March 15, 2010
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I said i would write in spanish more.

but nah.

I’ll leave that for facebook.

This blog will remain an “english blog” (not sure if that makes sense)

Im sorry for my lack of consistency during these past few weeks. I have been a bad blogger and i hate that fact. Ill try to be better-

Today is sunday night and i grabbed my Bible for some 2×1 reading plan. But before that I said a quick prayer. Not very elaborated. It was simple.

Something like.

“-God, Im not going to ask you to confirm what you’ve already promised because you’ve already confirmed it about 4 times now. But please, help me, help me be confident that this is coming from you. And not my mind/heart. Lord, why is this taking so long? Why am I not seeing signs? why arnt the circumstances clear? – Amen”

Not a very spiritual prayer.

But that’s what i said. Didnt thank Him for today. Didnt praise Him. I just told Him that.

Its not the kind of prayer they teach you on sunday school.

Give me a break-

apparently He heard me. of course He did

I stumbled upon this.

When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them on the road through the Philistine country, though that was shorter. For God said, “If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.” 18 So God led the people around by the desert road toward the Red Sea. [a] The Israelites went up out of Egypt armed for battle. Exodus 13:17-18

I dont know about you. But for me.

It is clear-

God didnt show the Israelites the short cut, primarily,to protect their future. (at least that’s how i see it) why do i say that? well, easy! Had they taken the short cut -the Bible says- They would have gone back to Egypt when faced with the first battle. And God didnt want them to go back to being slaves. He was protecting the promise He himself had made.

How does it relate to me?

There is a promise. An amazing promise that im having a hard time believing.

It’s just too good to be true.

But it is. Even if my head refuses to believe.

And it seems like God is not showing me the short cut right now, in order to protect His calling for my life (and i see how this applies in a practical way). But it also seems to me that, as He did with the israelites, He is taking me to my promised land (not an actual land). Eventually. When the time is right.

Read why Im believing this. HERE

My simple. Not elaborated-prayer was answered.

Thank you, Jesus.

Am i over reacting?

Am i misreading Scripture?

Am i crazy for believing this?




2×1= 2

Posted in 2x1=2 by misspicture on February 10, 2010
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I’ve got a new challenge!

Read the Bible in 2 years. 2 chapters a day.

Do i want to do this?


Is my pastor making me?


But dont worry. that is a good thing.  🙂

But let me explain my situation for a minute. 35 days ago i finished up the whole Bible and i did it in 90 days. B90X And yesterday i finished up reading the New Testament in 30 days NewThru30 Thank You Elevation Church

BUT i am drained. I am exhausted from speedy reading plans. They are AMAZING i loved them, i enjoyed them, i learned so much BUT i was just getting ready to start reading on my own and studying whatever i wanted without having to read something in particular. Oh well! It’s all good.

I am so thankful for my pastor. I LOVE the fact that he is encouraging us to do this. I LOVE that we are doing this together. It makes me smile.

And i will stop complaining. I am starting tomorrow. And im kind of excited… You know how much i love challenges!

So February will be a -heavy- month.

– Daniel Fast from feb 15th to March 7th (this means not eating out)
– Reading the book of Ruth everyday while fasting
– 2×1= 2

Ahhhhh! I changed my mind! i WANT to do this. I love challenges! i love them. Specially when they draw me closer to Jesus.

What about you?

How are you intentionally nourishing your relationship with Jesus?